So this program is about Raymond
Reddington (Spader) who is a long time fugitive and former armed forces member
who disappeared on Christmas eve many years ago. He magically appears at the
FBI headquarters and turns himself into the FBI. And tah dah he refuses to talk
to anyone but this cheeseball oversimplified FBI newb named Elizabeth Keen
(Megan Boon). What bothered me right off the bat is that she was really nice
and kind of naïve and ditzy. This isn’t a problem until she’s pulled into meet
with Reddington and the first thing she says is that her former coworkers
thought she was a Bitch. What the fuck is that all about? I didn’t know a kind
woman dedicated to her man and was trying to adopt a kid was a bitch.
So after the awkward and cheesy
character intros are done with, the story actually picks up and makes the
Reddington character actually seem pretty cool. He has some daring escapes and there’s
some inventive archs as the story goes on and you’re introduced to one of the
people on the blacklist.
So Reddingtons
blacklist is list of crazy mercenaries, terrorists, hackers, criminals etc.
that the FBI isn’t even aware of but for some reason Reddington is willing to
help agent Keen capture these baddies.
So the first guy on the list is
this crazy Scandinavian guy who is terminally ill and wants to detonate a
chemical weapon in Washington as some kind of revenge. As you’d expect his plot
is foiled, but I don’t want to go into too much detail in case you’re actually interested
in seeing the pilot.
In my opinion this pilot suffered
from what I’d like to refer to as “Pilot Syndrome” where a really good show has
a shitty first episode which turns picky assholes like me off. For this reason,
when binge watching shows, I usually start at the second episode to know if I
like it. This way you’re not watching the intro show that they are putting out
for the purpose of the network picking it up, but rather starting on the
episodes where the real artistic intention of the show is realized. Overall
this pilot was cheesy, but also showed a strong premise, the promise of good
twists and turns and some decent actor (mostly from James Spader). I’m
definitely interested in seeing more of this show in the coming weeks. I don’t
see a reason to rate a pilot but I’ll just give it a comme ci, comme ça and the hand flipping back and
forth that goes with it.