streets! I also went and saw the fucking hilarious comedian
So far it has all been great, and has gone better than I could have expected. I am feeling more happy and fulfilled than I have in years. August has been a little slow, but my spirits are still high! Part of that probably has to do with how amazing September is going to be. First off, I'm going to Fan Expo Canada with one of my best friends. Fan Expo is like Toronto, Ontario's version of Comic Con. I've been several times and its always a huge blast. On top of that I'm also attending Riot Fest later on in the month. If you don't know Riot Fest is a touring concert festival/carinval that hosts a lot of good rock and punk acts. That is what I'm looking forward to the most and feels totally worth the $150 ticket (for 2 days so it's not that bad). I'll finally get to see some awesome bands I've like for years, but have never gotten the opportunity to see. Bands like, Rancid, D.O.A., Motorhead, Alexisonfire and the fucking Wu-Tang Clan!
I'm sure it'll be awesome and I'll be making posts about both my time at Fan Expo, as well as my weekend at Riot Fest. And I'm sure both events will be perfect oppertunities to capture some pics and video's I can post on here and YouTube!
I hope your summer has been epic. And if it hasnt? You still have 3 months to make 2015 your bitch! What I've learned is you have to own every day, and give out as much love as possible!